A group of archaeologists in Bolivia say they have found tombs containing human remains and hundreds of skeletons belonging to the indigenous Pacajes who occupied the area 500 years ago.
Bolivia's Ministry of Culture and Tourism ordered the excavation process three months ago, after mining officials found archaeological items in an underground burial chamber - about 18.6 miles southwest of the Bolivian capital La Paz.
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“Inside the cemetery, we found two special graves. One tomb contains 108 individuals each. Even though the conditions were very bad, we were able to recover several objects, "said Wanderson Esquerdo, archaeologist.
After excavations began in June, archaeologists said the microorganisms caused damage to the soft tissues of the body, causing them to rot rapidly. Excessive humidity and high salinity in the room also worsen the condition of buried objects.
To reach the tomb, the researchers had to descend through a circular chimney that was only 27.5 inches in diameter and 9 meters deep.
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As well as human remains, the largest of the tombs contain metal objects, as well as ceramic and wooden plates.
“Obviously there are objects related to Inca culture. However, apart from that, it comes from the Aymara Kingdom, ”added Esquerdo.
The indigenous Pacajes in the Aymara Kingdom had occupied the Bolivian plateau until they were conquered by the Inca Empire in the mid-15th century. Even so, according to archaeologists, the Pacajes did not die from being killed by the Incas, but from the plague.
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