Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Climate Crisis, Arctic Ice Threatened to Disappear by 2035

About 127,000 years ago, during the last interglacial period, temperatures in the Arctic increased by about 2 to 6 ° C — melting all of the sea ice in Earth's Arctic.

Back then, hardwood trees such as oak and hazel could grow in what we now call the Arctic Circle.

Now, a new study using climate modeling from the Met Office Hadley Center UK, allows scientists to compare Arctic sea ice during the late interglacial period with current conditions, as quoted by The Independent.

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The researchers say the evidence they found suggests that the Arctic could completely lose sea ice within 15 years. Based on climate models, the intense spring sunshine results in the creation of "melt ponds".

These pools of melt are very important because they determine how much sunlight the ice sheet will absorb and which is reflected back out into space.

Ice has a higher rate of reflection than water. In other words, when a pool of melt is created — especially in a large enough size — then much more sunlight is absorbed into the Earth.

In the end, this event caused the remaining ice at the Pole to melt even more.

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Dr Louise Sime, paleoiklim modeling expert from the British Antarctic Survey, said: "We know the Arctic is undergoing significant changes as the Earth warms up. By understanding what happened in the interglacial period, we can predict conditions in the future. "

"It is possible that sea ice in the Arctic will disappear by 2035. Therefore, we must focus on reducing carbon as soon as possible," he concluded.

The research is published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

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