Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Can Papaya Really Help Relieve Stomach Acid? Find out the safe fruit for stomach acid.

Acid reflux or acid reflux is experienced by many people.

This disease recurs when stomach acid rises to the esophagus or esophagus.

In our stomach there is a stomach acid liquid consisting of a mixture of acids and enzymes, the point is to digest food.

However, there are several conditions caused by disorders of stomach acid, one of which is gastric acid disease.

People who have a condition of stomach acid must pay attention to the food consumed, so it does not have an impact on the increase in stomach acid.

Papaya is one of the fruits known to relieve stomach acid, and is safe for consumption by people who have the condition.

Is that right?

Come on, let's find out the benefits of papaya for stomach acid and some fruits that are also good for stomach acid.

What are the Benefits of Papaya Enzyme for Gastric Acid?

Sourced from Leaf TV, papaya contains fiber and digestive enzymes, friends. The content of papaya is also useful as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Hence, papaya is also widely used to prevent and treat several diseases, even chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma.

In addition, papaya is also a popular fruit to overcome digestive problems. This benefit is obtained from papain, an enzyme contained in young papaya.

Quoted from, nutritionist founder of the United States Top Balance Nutrition, Maria Bella, M.S., R.D, explained that the enzymes and fiber in papaya can reduce symptoms of stomach acid.

According to a research report in The British Medical Journal in 1886, Dr. Geogr Herschell found that he gave papaya juice to deal with acid reflux.

Some argue that the papain enzyme in papaya can help break down protein more simply, so that it can be digested easily and reduces stomach acid production.

The papain enzyme in papaya is also called bsa can reduce symptoms of gastric acid by reducing digestive work in the stomach.

As long as you are not allergic to papaya or papaya sap, eating papaya is still safe for stomach acid.

However, special and in-depth research on the benefits of papaya to relieve stomach acid is still needed again, friends.

According to Leaf TV, people who have acid reflux conditions better maintain their diet and lifestyle to control acid reflux in their stomachs.

Some of these include maintaining a healthy weight, sleeping with a higher head position, and avoiding eating two or three hours before going to sleep.

Then, avoid foods or drinks that can trigger acid reflux, such as spicy foods, or high-caffeinated drinks.

Safe Fruit for Stomach Acid

There are some fruits that are safe for consumption by people with stomach acid conditions.


Bananas have a low acid content, so they can help coat irritated esophageal walls and reduce discomfort when stomach acid rises.

Bananas also contain fiber which is important for the digestive system, one of which is pectin.

This pectin fiber helps move food through the digestive tract. This is good for the stomach because if food continues to be in the stomach, it becomes one of the triggers for the production of stomach acid.


Melon is also one of the fruits with acid content that is not too high.

Other melon content is magnesium, which is often used in medicine to treat acid reflux.

Apart from melons, cantaloupe also has the same benefits.


Coconut fruit, both meat and water are known to have many benefits.

Coconut fruit is also a fruit with a low acid level.

Coconut water is known to relieve stomach acid because of its tannin content which can relieve inflammation in the stomach.

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