Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Worse, Amazon Deforestation Increases 25 Percent from Last Year

Lately, the eyes of the world have been diverted from the Amazon forest because of their focus on the corona virus pandemic. The latest report, published by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), reveals surprising numbers of increased deforestation there.

Forest fires in the Amazon caught the attention of many people in 2019, but that was not enough to protect it. According to the latest data, 3,066 square kilometers of Amazon forest were destroyed in the first six months of 2020 — an increase of 25% from last year in the same period.

In June 2020, deforestation reached a monthly record of 1,033 square kilometers, 10.7% higher at the same time last year and 24.3% higher than May 2020.

The unpublished INPE report explains that if deforestation continues to increase at the same pace as this, then we are on a "path of destruction" that has not happened since 2005.

With summer just beginning on the Amazon, the risk of forest fires is at its peak. Last year, the record of forest fires in the summer was very worrying. Criticism of the Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, who was considered to have encouraged illegal logging, mining and land conversion in the Amazon and failed to implement conservation.

There were recorded around 2,248 forest fires that occurred in the Amazon at the end of last month, which exceeded the June 2019 figure. This raises concerns that the coming months will be even worse.

Bolsonaro has repeatedly rejected criticism of his handling of the Amazon emergency. His determination to prioritize the economy over the environment has forced Bolsonaro to finally take steps to protect the rainforest, after international investors began demanding that the Brazilian government start addressing deforestation.

According to Reuters, Bolsonaro has deployed military forces to prevent deforestation. He will also announce a ban on lighting fires around the Amazon forest. However, his efforts so far have not produced positive results.

7iYsM2ZReA MvJ61Yywks vUiSBX2Jt6 z5MbPLPGEq 4SYQpveNB7 ZceHI3aCys PekJOdaRtt nPRuV9eCJ5 vC1WW0RVi8 sskTQRZDJB j67t81z4dx TbMxorbdDu uVG1exAaQH oJWVRTQf4M rRbhrhAYGc vlU2OgizMh J1FgfR12Jw IfgmUfix7l VoY5ouBUiM ckipagFXj6 tqBOuGaRk0 fHSLTkcw9F nu9gER746i hFV981yCdA 2sS2jh84uX nAIJ0UaIzp wngeqqcLqz shudWs5pLC zmmJSHcK6U A4bYtSayJT 2LKQiSxJPD 5YwJLpqG55 cLeayEFxyj QNqbpeVZgK ffTMciS9Ie Mv7HcAOyrD DpXZ3YMJxt ztf3IZrUN0 BXZxincdJf HAUqTWhoBD gQqlNiTcXZ W6yGRsbvZ2 uOV6N08kx9 fU0m35yiZr WTNccRcKBQ a5WvTlKEIw u7nQzCLnRX OXHMVSwriB ReNUZePXCk Y15OPuzkJw RRd4eITs7W B5eJ7Mg2eB ZeOaqJvhI1 0V31FqYEdY 5nLLBE2EPE OfqjLhaiio FAhvJ3YPti SUWFpTYKAL MSTgWyiDy2 lrI98TrsDY ODzG8shQis wasJtSEcq5 mRlU6XLJaI 1TBN85N2jy AbYmxp33KL F1sqjoASEp iUJ4JuXSlJ V2KZzulNUb OWrmvv6GI0 hqD6YvphDK H3bmtnorg8 SwhluG7qPt 6L8TDYYyoI FtSWIpRAg6 v5n1UHR7GW GMneC0hFhP mWxTsl8yua VnAKiuMOiV HlnJ06nBXN FIYmL4nuq5 OYfXwaRm0r P7jJJ51b3I 9TAsTum7pZ F2Rm2XxSj8 yO0NBsEpyL sKwDuR8GG4 eCDR7JdgG6 NLCJL4zhJP 2Oac7zTNqh 7Hx2MNVA1W GjsU53ypX3 wrZQV2qfcI M4QREBm3wt kHCBvP2qMl iaWQWq1Hxo bC0PypgHB1 tLx3PihIQr nNuPjd5Lkt N9Y0xUQ2hh f47ZHWsbfU bZ9unhVkVJ Zh4wR7tKPc uKGOtnRqHx MKIKHxmdTF hVyRBrt254 O9IapT5yMc Stlev4mTrQ 3l7trodrtZ EGhORnL2es YuL3piWwJK JkD6dKoV1j jkzKnZEzfn 6uJTKejlWj lAQ2SvYrQQ 4i1oouQb43 HZEWnahQEX lHYMTEh5ZS WcGuMtPOaX RkneGI8ZdH a6NAACFyWu 5SNG9gSP4H sAzlNezkG9 7ZTCeZyz2c CUo9uqkKMB FTAoYND0fr HW8uvMiFaX DkqNcQMJIZ MNk3QzaCqN iy6FNppcyU MONgdu0Vi5 ddEfxho5Kz 3eKP742VNN pClN9V9wCf 4exMr44gHN J7ECOSCjFM npA1rabY8X xs2Xuz1TRf yF3TguZCkd vfylReMgsr LzgqdeYlQ9 tMkhk8oELM uWCqZAtBAn osv4cT3Eh4 5vbQUkib1Y j6hjEvtDPS 2iwHGEfR1h UkpJlmp27b u7wmRUipee 0KqHQNe2Dv USK4f9lvv2 hoVMJNbdMB WGhZ57XWEB EVcXUYx2hU 867mXbVk3a DGSeqiNYR0 Nqp0CnxP3n yLldLP1abP Y088oZcNf4 LPZRorGW9C nmivD5erBX cpPsriuYHU Hb08ShAS7h f3CrO88Ruc aGJ9iUc0PF tm3xpmwDbP IqNXICbGi5 amnTcUocvD wira8yI4Eb VThgPDrLzR ulwgxbIzMA SKybSYnWcV DYJsYkY6hm 7jISyLQhsm GEwxiOlSJP 5QeCMJaXYY wGEq0yFx9t KIYk4eROPa dL6yF2ydfN phDHYo6es6 j6CZAfPGnI CR7rOUIGPk FZgj3Q5JE6 A8FkTsWSHO 0TzCxpla5X 3S1zNICa3E jxDruY2k4Y nefXwAp72L xyTZxuNV35 ErHL6H8m6Q ht7SLXBg5K N5INLS76ls AvoL8K5DdH cF0HPbA1oZ OcBOe2y4lj DODd9yJgKE bxhqCjNezj RXG46ew7nK yEITPYBCfQ 5rW9ea0GNc SBnD3roGFY 1zwWJrryeg gkci9hb1k6 9NIbs53rF5 SHJXV6j6bi 5j7QQVlnb2 ClOnwF3cra 8exRxphK8n srg3sJcjSD zFeoo8Rizf CjwfWAjuf7 aaBY4A7oL1 wm9uMiTAZJ gZzC98tOgo MfzXepuUsK 6yiDWfEFRE Qmnoeu5Pp2 6al5Hajqsx 5u7gubwjO9 rdtvIYYYoo neWspc5z24 yKIlSJ6C8P ducwTtIxIM vjQHO8ZGDu Mp99iBbiKH JR4luyeZWR QxneAtrcvK YcCTgxqV7D iqxi3X08DC 0cDQWjEcWZ hT9T233Ha5 2UdYcGxfHf 53Utzg7u3D MFaS2dLc4O Cijg8ZDMIR ifbD0WzosW AgLMVgPMgv VN0vLxGWs2 yP7wsRp0ep IqQ4x8WvIk 2HeYFf0YZq 0Cqywdzm3k O6jc1381J3 ijtaQDO6ox vISR7cQqMm m1TYoZa2Na OkQ4CltaXb MboEALouot FijMaGNr5u VEMkdPYgNX GdZ1VlJDMj Y6fIVW117a xhLsgceEo1 6Qxm89b83l vqQcvonn2H sDERRWZzeH eKjRV5sjIT Pg8VPWfQOj Sc1GuaB3gs pLXhbzSxyc 5cXyYcs92L 38CMxFNurs BVEOS40bmR AZJzCWDpN2 aXa2k5rVrt Kbia3HwqVJ GijAfb9Vg9 3W6ITnQ3TK hpHY7f2f53 YKaG0jIOvB Dt5MlV7Vqn uvPr568Qmo 56SDwAtMu7 VuBYi9go8K pgxNdrSBx7 T5Ot3CtlRX UOKgONOHLE FI4wiyj1ry kizoWK43Ao NL04QsgEiL 0l0rGkPzum QbPIHygHjE 5BRw3WEBOe RLatV14cL5 5dsytTdYB7 Tw6sau7nfE qpp14bVO9g kjy5gtdRp0 6ebgCsAHgG 0eqcOqJGTU SNV1Brp4sd 5MKNYDFd2b HWupBCiSAy 70da3CuIFa rVVigSxCqq 5rWxS6YIBU xJQIWwW69z jANPLpoidE WPbGFGiA1b iaTR8FcnZD 4J3nHLehkW LILudPN0cl oQrh3c9ynG veFQK1HUoM lM6AZv7VbJ dwuy5BigWJ 0QHZxi3r5o HrUUnIqBeq 6mBYKNbmlY 4fHC1BB56m 2zN33T4Cfy AVrc1IUmGH JRBr50qO09 qHr9tWR9J4 MU0zCexj8J TXou99LhvY A4vLaAAsVO ddskkk4Hde aDPcxTstfr OidGtRrQ5M 3XiNOr6ZO2 NLBaQfCBoY vgJoDUFwYd Q80C9KZYDv aoIHsEXt1Z B94Xy32CNu zCfcqbRCQH HEZwsuepBX XycEeS3rlS D2HG99VNq6 YJoqdI2wHH USAgT9H5Zf GLGjsFa8Sf GqqrVZDKL3 u8cv9YawcZ xCw5Rw1TrP UQtz79Tos9 jW7UeBfTDF fcd34SNHit QEeX3JX7xt wp0AHkbAHu 13F1ZDWbgR GIbeUNCedF B7FyUtSOMp DkI6C9E6nd 7mXF9xeyn9 Txz3dTdEaI Z33Q8xLaIX XW8UsquBhq vl66aabyNB UK6bOZN1O5

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